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Gambling addiction is a serious problem that can lead to a number of negative social and financial consequences. People experiencing this type of impulse-control disorder may think they can’t stop gambling. However, fortunately, with the right assistance, you can overcome this problem once and for all and regain control over yourself. Check our latest infographic to get more information on how to treat gambling addiction.

Gambling Addiction Treatment - Toronto Addiction Counselling Infographic

A gambling addiction is defined as having an irresistible compulsion to gamble, with little regard to the consequences of these actions. Fortunately, gambling addiction can be treated, but first, it’s important to understand what characterizes this type of addiction.

A gambling addiction usually begins with gambling abuse, and it’s vital to comprehend the difference between the two. Gambling abuse might be occasionally taking money from the electric bill to pay for some scratch-off tickets, or it might be blowing off the rent payment for the month to hit the casino instead. Gambling abuse doesn’t necessarily mean there is a gambling addiction present, however, it can certainly lead to one if these types of behaviors are repeated. The good news is that there is help for gambling addiction.

Gambling Addiction Help

Once gambling becomes a compulsive need, that’s when it has turned into an addiction. For the person who is addicted, it can seem as though it’s impossible to turn off the desire to gamble, and that person is either constantly chasing after the euphoric feeling they experience while they’re gambling, or they’re running away from something else that’s occurring in their lives. For many people, it’s both.

Fortunately, there is help for gambling addiction, and a professional therapist can provide you with the tools you need to stop gambling once and for all and find the healing you’re seeking. Some people do stop gambling on their own, but they fail to address the underlying issues that have led to the behavior in the first place. A professional knows how to treat gambling addiction, and that type of counselling offers you the best chance for success on the road to recovery.

Types of Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction can take on many different forms. Some people will hit the stores every weekend, or even every day, and buy countless numbers of scratch-off tickets. Others will frequent the casinos, or they’ll place bets on races or sporting events. Of course, Internet gambling has become very popular too, and there is a growing number of sites online that make gambling even easier for addicts who are looking to get their fix. All of these can be addictive, and it’s normal for a person to go through three different phases of addiction:

  • The winning phase – This is the euphoric feeling that people enjoy the most.
  • The losing phase – It’s impossible to win all the time, and losing is inevitable. Still, there’s a drive to get back to that winning phase.
  • The desperation phase – This phase occurs after a person has lost repeatedly, and they’re desperate to do anything to get back the money they’ve gambled away.

The desperation phase is scary because it can lead to criminal activity, depression, lost relationships, lost employment and even suicide. Most people who are addicted to gambling are in denial that they’ll ever reach that phase, but this the general path that a gambling addiction takes.

If you’ve been struggling with a gambling addiction, you most likely feel like there’s no way for you to break free. As a Toronto addictions therapist, I’ve helped many people who were dealing with an addiction to gambling, and I can help you too. Gambling addiction counselling offers you an incredible amount of tools and resources that you can use to reach a point of healing and recovery. However, you have to take the first step.

I offer a free telephone consultation to all of my new clients. That gives you the opportunity to talk about your own experience with gambling prior to making any commitments. With commitment and expert help, you can break free from your gambling addiction for good.





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