Are Medications Recommended for Trauma Clients?

Medications (and drugs, for that matter) have been used to help with psychological symptoms for decades. People have used alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, opioid drugs and other prescriptions as a way to cope with how they feel. This speaks to the desperation that many people experience when they’re dealing with trauma. However, that doesn’t mean that [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00March 12th, 2018|Trauma|

How to Choose a Professional Trauma Therapist

It’s possible that it has taken you some time to decide to go to trauma therapy. Now that you’ve made that decision, how do you know the best way to choose your therapist? It can be difficult to even know what criteria you should be looking for. The fact is that not everyone who calls [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00February 19th, 2018|Trauma|

3 Ways to Cope as a Trauma Victim

The main struggle that most trauma victims encounter is being able to cope with everything they’re feeling. The traumatic event they lived through is something that often haunts them. No matter how hard they try, it’s a feeling that they can’t simply “shake off.” If you’ve lived through a trauma, you can’t help the way [...]

By |2018-02-18T13:04:17-05:00February 18th, 2018|Trauma|

What Distinguishes Sex Addiction from Compulsion?  

The distinction between a compulsion and an addiction can be difficult to determine because there is a fine line between the two and even the medical profession’s perception of each changes as new research becomes available. While addiction and compulsion both have biological, genetic and psychological components, there are some key differences. A compulsion is [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00February 18th, 2018|Addiction|

Depression and Substance Abuse

According to data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people who suffer from a mood disorder are twice as likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. Mood disorders are in fact so common alongside substance abuse, that a term has been coined for it; dual diagnosis. Unfortunately, the two problems feed off each other – [...]

By |2018-04-03T21:49:12-04:00February 18th, 2018|Addiction|

Classifying Hypersexual Disorders

Hypersexual disorder, also known as hypersexuality, is a time-consuming, fantasy-based disorder. It’s a pattern of behavior which involves an intense preoccupation with sexual fantasies, urges and activities. This often leads to adverse consequences including significant distress and the inability to participate in social, professional and other important functions. The disorder was under consideration for inclusion in [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00February 18th, 2018|Addiction|

3 Tough Choices You Face During Addiction Recovery

Now that you’re in drug addiction recovery, you’ve made it past some very big hurdles and life changes. Arguably, a very hard part is done but naturally, you’re still going to be faced with many difficult decisions. An old friend you used with wants to meet up, should you go? You really don’t feel like [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00February 18th, 2018|Addiction|

How Trauma Robs You of Self-Leadership and What You Can do About it

Self-leadership is something that people who have suffered through traumatic events often lack. They feel out of control of the way they feel. They often suffer from: Anxiety and/or depression Undeniable and unavoidable fear The fear of rejection Feelings of self-loathing Flashbacks and nightmares Continuous brain fog These experiences are very real for someone who [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00January 11th, 2018|Trauma|

The Role of Family in Addiction Recovery

It’s often very difficult for family members to address the fact that their loved one has a drug addiction. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration does however stress the importance of family involvement in addiction recovery. People are more likely to seek help if they know they have the support of their family [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00January 11th, 2018|Addiction|

Ways to Cope with Anger in Drug Addiction Recovery

It’s not uncommon for individuals who enter treatment to struggle with anger – the early days are after all an emotional rollercoaster with great highs and lows. One of the many reasons why anger is seen so often in drug addiction treatment is because substance abuse is often the result of trauma. You may have [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:57-05:00January 11th, 2018|Addiction|