4 Mind-Blowing Facts About Sex Addiction

Sadly, sex addiction still isn’t taken as seriously as other forms of addiction such as a compulsivity to take drugs, drink alcohol or gamble. Despite the many misconceptions about the condition, it does in fact have a proven neurological and psychological basis. To help raise awareness about the severity of sex addiction, below we have [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00March 14th, 2017|Addiction|

Different Types of Sex Addiction and Methods of Treatment

While people may have preconceived ideas about the type of person who is most likely to suffer from a sex addiction, the reality is that it can affect anyone regardless of their cultural background or economic class. Sex addiction is a coping mechanism that people develop in response to a variety of things including trauma, [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00February 23rd, 2017|Addiction|

What Type of Sex Addiction Do You Have?

Although there are no distinct categories when it comes to sexual addiction, you do get many different types. Some people may only experience one form of the condition, whereas others may fall victim to several. If you are thinking about or have already entered recovery, it can prove very helpful to identify which of the [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00February 23rd, 2017|Addiction|

Substance Abuse Symptoms Checklist

Although there’s a lot more awareness about this topic compared to even just a few years ago, there are still many misconceptions about substance abuse. One of the most common is that the signs of a problem are easy to spot and we would definitely know about it if a loved one had an addiction. [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00February 20th, 2017|Addiction|

Signs That Painkiller Addiction is Coming Your Way

Health experts are warning that painkiller dependency is quickly becoming a greater concern than illegal drug addiction. The number of deaths caused by prescription painkillers in the USA over the last 10 years was four times higher than the rate of deaths from cocaine and heroin combined. In the UK, 2015 saw 807 fatal overdoses [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00February 20th, 2017|Addiction|

What to Look for in a Sex Addiction Counsellor

Recognizing that you have a problem and reaching out for sex addiction therapy is the first step of recovery. Congratulations on reaching this important milestone – it’s one of the most difficult but from here onwards, you will have the support of those around you. Now is the time to find a therapist who can [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00January 22nd, 2017|Addiction|

When Alcohol Consumption Becomes an Addiction

Alcohol consumption has become a big part of our culture. We don’t think anything of going to a bar and spending an entire night drinking, we’ll happily share a bottle of wine with a partner when out for dinner and for many, the highlight of our day is getting home after a long day in [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00January 22nd, 2017|Addiction|

Understanding Different Forms of Addiction

Addiction is a complex matter, it’s often misunderstood and comes with a lot of preconceived ideas which are more often than not, wildly inaccurate. We become addicted to something when we’re compelled to carry out the activity or consume a substance over and over again. When we do try to withdraw, we experience traumatic physiological [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00January 22nd, 2017|Addiction|

The Human Brain: Its Job and Response to Trauma

As you know, the brain has many functions. However, its primary function is to ensure your survival. Your brain is tasked with this job even when the situation seems bleak, and even under the worst of conditions. There are a few things that need to occur in order for your brain to do its job [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:33:02-05:00December 29th, 2016|Trauma|