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Sex addiction is something that can affect anyone regardless of their cultural background, economic class or lifestyle choices.

While we may have preconceived ideas about the type of people who suffer from sexual addiction, the reality is that anyone can fall victim to it at any point in their lives. Why exactly is this however?

Sex addiction works the same way other addictions do

Research carried out at Cambridge University shows that the pleasure centers stimulated in sex addiction are similar to those in other forms of addiction.

Using porn and engaging in other thrill-seeking sexual practices in a compulsive manner, eventually recalibrates the brain to such an extent that it cannot revert back to its original state. As a result, the brain becomes chronically impaired and starts to crave a fix just in the same way that someone addicted to drugs or alcohol would.

Sex addiction often isn’t about sex

Contrary to popular belief, sex addiction is very rarely about the act itself and has more to do with escapism, power, “love” or trying to regulate feelings.

Those who are addicted to sex are often using it to express stress, anger, self-pity, shame and resentment because they feel unfulfilled, ashamed or simply entitled to it. Sexual behaviours are also used to provide the “user” with a sense of nurture, love, attractiveness, and acceptance. People rarely become addicted to sex simply because they enjoy it. It’s often the result of childhood trauma – the victim may have suffered sexual abuse in their early years, a parent may have had an addiction themselves, there may have been an absence of a traditional parenting role or it may have been triggered by divorce.

When addiction is the result of trauma, it’s very rare that a person will be able to overcome the issue without the help of a sex addiction counsellor.

It can be the result of psychological problems

Addiction can also be the result of psychological conditions which are related to impulse control. Some people are quite simply more impulsive than others which means that they’re more likely to put themselves in situations which could be dangerous or hurtful. Someone with low impulse control may give into an affair for example whereas a person who doesn’t have impulse control issues would be able to stop themselves.

Some mental health professionals also believe that sex addiction could be related to other psychological disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), other addictions, kleptomania, pyromania, gambling and even eating disorders.

Co-occurring psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and personality disorders are all thought to increase the risk of someone developing a sex addiction.

You may have abnormal levels of sex hormones and chemicals in the brain

Compulsive behaviors are believed to be associated with an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. Known as neurotransmitters, these are the chemicals which help to regulate our moods and how we experience pleasure. An addiction to sex is thought to be at least partially caused by high levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Furthermore, certain medications have also been known to put people at greater risk of addiction including dopamine agonists which are used to treat Parkinson’s disease.


It’s thought that genes could play a role in the development of sex addiction which means that some people are simply more vulnerable to addictive behavior than others and this is something which is out of their control.

If you think that you or someone you know could benefit from speaking to a sex addiction counsellor, please feel free to contact us in the strictest of confidence and we will be more than happy to assist with any questions you may have about sex addiction Toronto. We specialize in sexual addiction help Toronto and will be able to advise you on everything from sex addiction signs to the most appropriate treatment methods available.

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