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Integrating traumatic memories is a challenge that every traumatized person faces. It’s not possible to put these memories behind them until they can acknowledge what has happened. They also need to learn how to recognize the invisible issues they’re battling on a day-to-day basis. Traditional therapy methods focus on helping people learn why they feel the way they do about what they went through. However, this does not guarantee that the traumatic memories are going to be adequately dealt with.

Ordinary Memories Vs. Traumatic Memories

It’s important to understand the difference between ordinary memories and traumatic ones. There is a vast difference because each one is experienced differently.

With ordinary events that occur in your life, you don’t necessarily file away all the details. You may not remember the smells you experienced or every physical sensation. You might not remember specific emotions, sounds or images. Instead, when you think of the event, your mind does a brief overview. Many of the details are lost.

Traumatic memories are much more detailed. When you recall them, you actually have the experience of them; complete with physical sensations, emotions, sounds and images. These memories can completely encompass you. The experience of the event itself also results in a lapse of time and perspective. That means that your brain loses the ability to understand that what happened at that time was only meant for that time.

Integrating Traumatic Memories Through Therapy

At one point, hypnosis was the most commonly used treatment for trauma. This dates back to the late 1800s and it was utilized until well after World War II. Today, we know that hypnosis isn’t quite as effective as it was once thought to be. Other forms of therapy have taken its place, and they’ve shown to be quite helpful.

  • EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing allows patients to access traumatic memories without feeling overwhelmed in the process. This form of treatment helps trauma patients to integrate these memories into their past.
  • IFS – Internal Family Systems is a form of therapy that has grown immensely over the last few years. This approach views your mind as containing three subpersonalities or parts. They are the managers, exiles and firefighters. Each of these can play extreme or healthy roles in your life. IFS works by treating the extreme roles so that they can become healthy again.
  • Group Therapy – This form of therapy has also shown to be quite effective in the treatment of trauma. Some groups may be led by professionals, and others may be led by peers. Group therapy can help you see that you’re not alone in how you feel, or what you’re going through.

The key is to have a qualified trauma therapist who can guide you through the type of therapy you need. You need to know that your therapist is discerning and sensitive to what your needs are for treatment.

I can help you if you are suffering because of a traumatic memory. With the right kind of help, you can recover and get back to living your life to the fullest. Contact me to make an appointment.

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