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Most of us assume that an addiction is an addiction but there’s actually a lot that separates a sex addiction from a drug addiction for example.

The main difference is that sex addiction is a process addiction. This is defined as an obsession to take part in certain activities or behaviors such as gambling, sex, the Internet and eating.

Out of all the different types of addictions, it’s safe to say that sex addiction remains the most taboo. There is absolutely no doubt that people are more willing to come forward about a dependence to eating, gambling or working than they are about a sex addiction.

Even with drug and alcohol addictions, people are a lot more willing to accept that an addiction to a substance is a condition that completely takes hold of a person. Sex addiction is still very misunderstood however and unfortunately this means that sufferers often try to hide it until it has become so bad they’ve hit rock bottom.

What are process addictions?

A process addiction is different than a chemical addiction (for example a drug addict or an alcoholic) because it does not involve putting toxins into the body. The two types of addictions are similar in the sense that the brain is still affected and the person can become just as controlled by the process as a drug addict or alcoholic can become controlled by their substance.

What causes process addictions?

A process addiction can develop for a number of reasons. The most common causes are usually emotional trauma or feelings of social inadequacy. The people who are at the highest risk of developing a dependence to a process include:

  • Anyone who has been sexually, emotionally or physically abused
  • Someone who has experienced trauma or the loss of a loved one
  • Those with low self esteem or poor social skills
  • People with perfectionist tendencies

The reason why the people mentioned above may be more at risk is because these processes are often used to numb pain, heighten emotions, punish themselves, escape reality or simply because they’re looking for a thrill.

How do you treat a sex addiction?

Another difference between a sexual addiction and a substance addiction is that with a substance addiction, once you’ve received the proper treatment, you can put the substance down and never pick it up again. If you’re addicted to sex, the Internet or work for example, it’s unrealistic to expect someone to never engage in these activities ever again.

Rather than having total abstinence, recovery focuses on still being able to do the thing you’re addicted to but developing a healthier attitude to it. The goal is to learn how to have a healthy relationship with the behavior that has been abused.

Sex addiction can be very difficult to overcome. If you’re addicted to alcohol or drugs, part of recovery is to abstain from these substances completely. Sex addicts on the other hand will hopefully go on to lead normal and healthy sex lives. It can be very difficult to overcome an addiction to something that you’re still supposed to engage in.

Treatment is highly recommended when trying to overcome sexual addiction. Initially, you will be told to distance yourself from the process you’re addicted to. Sexual addiction treatment will help you to address the underlying cause of your addiction. Dealing with past issues can dramatically help to reduce the compulsion to engage in dangerous activities and addictions.

A sexual addiction counselor will also be able to help you identify your triggers and learn the skills needed to manage the stress and pain in your life without turning back to your dependency.

There are a number of therapies available for sex addiction including a task centered approach and EMDR. Treatment includes individual therapy, group therapy and joining support groups. You may wish to participate in one or all of these types of treatments depending on which you feel is working the best for you.

If you would like more information about sexual addiction treatment, please feel free to contact us in the strictest of confidence and we will be more than happy to help.
















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