You have been through treatment before. You have taken steps to create a new life for yourself, a life that does not require an addiction to make you happy or comfortable. Like many others, however, you have relapsed. Do not despair.  Relapse is quite common, and in a sense is actually part of your recovery. The goal now is to get back on board and work on recognizing what led to it.

Relapse doesn’t happen simply because you decide you want to use or resume an addictive behaviour again. It starts with something in your mind. There may be underlying issues that had not been dealt with during your treatment program. Something may have happened in your life that you were not prepared to deal with, leading you back to your old way of thinking, and ultimately to the relapse incident.

Whatever the case may be, you can get back on track. You are not alone. We will use this incident to enhance your recovery and help you continue on the life-changing path you have already chosen.