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When someone is seeking treatment for sexual addiction, there are a number of options available to them.

Because we all have unique ways of responding to treatment, there is of course no set rule for what will work and what won’t. It may require a little trial and error to establish the most effective method for you but one of the most popular and successful options is group therapy.

What is group therapy?

Group therapy brings together a number of people who are facing similar issues. This provides a safe and controlled therapeutic atmosphere where participants will be able to discuss the challenges they’re facing.

The aim of group therapy is for its participants to gain a deeper understanding of sexual addiction while benefiting from the support of others in the group.

The benefits of group therapy

Group sessions often play a big role in sex addiction therapy in Toronto because of the benefits it provides. If you’re thinking of incorporating this into your treatment plan, below we have highlighted some of the advantages of doing so.

It provides companionship

Addiction is a lonely disease and this is often what perpetuates the cycle. If you know you have a trusted group of companions you can turn to in times of need however, this may be enough to stop you from engaging in harmful sexual activities.

In a group therapy setting, you will find out that you’re not alone and that there are others who understand your struggles because they’re going through the very same thing. These common bonds can really help you to stay strong when you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you might relapse.

It opens up communication

Those with an addiction often feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to. You may not want to worry friends or loved ones about how you’re coping or perhaps you feel they can’t possibly understand what you’re going through.

In a group setting, surrounded by other people going through exactly the same thing as you, you’re far more likely to speak freely. Furthermore, the “everybody-gets-a-turn” interaction enhances the confidence, communication and social skills of everyone in the group – all positive changes that can aid in relapse prevention.

It provides accountability

We are far more likely to stay strong when we’re part of a group than we are on our own. As well as being well-supported, each person feels responsible and accountable for each other.

This mutual responsibility is invaluable because when someone in the group is in trouble and about to relapse, they know that they can call on any of their peers to help them through difficult times.

The mutual accountability is also extremely important to a successful recovery because sometimes we will go to extreme lengths to avoid letting down our peers.

You can draw on the experience of others

One of the greatest benefits of group therapy when getting sex addiction help is the fact that you can use other peoples’ experience to help you through your journey.

You can for example share coping mechanisms. Being aware of the different ways you can handle your addiction can help you to come up with ways of coping that you otherwise wouldn’t have thought of. Someone who is further into recovery than you are can help to provide a valuable source of inspiration because it will remind you of what can be achieved if you stick to your program.

Builds trust

Groups provide a safe space where trust is rebuilt. Learning to trust again is something which can be invaluable to someone suffering with sexual addiction because in most cases, the addiction is the result of trauma experienced during childhood.

For more information about sexual addiction in Toronto, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.


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