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Drug addiction is a very serious problem, but you might be wondering if what you’re doing is really all that bad. After all, what are the most dangerous drugs? Maybe your addiction isn’t as bad as it could be if you were involved in some other type of drug use, or some other type of addiction. This is a very important topic that needs to be covered, because drug addiction of any kind is always dangerous.


As we go over the different types of addictive drugs and their affects on your body, it’s important for you to know that if you find yourself struggling with addiction, drug addiction treatment can help you break free and begin to heal.


Drug Addiction Treatment


While everyone is different, in most cases, when you have an addiction, it’s because you first began using your drug of choice as a way to avoid a problem in your life or a situation you were facing. You began by abusing drugs, and when that abuse resulted in positive feelings for you, the abuse continued until it became an addiction.


Making the decision to get drug addiction counselling in Toronto is a very important first step. When you make that decision, you’re choosing to leave your life of drug use behind and focus on getting better. Recovery is a long road, and it’s a road you’ll travel for the rest of your life. However, with the right kind of professional help and support, you’ll be able to address the issues that led to your addiction in the first place. Once you do that, you’re well on your way to freedom.


The Most Dangerous Drugs


Marijuana – Marijuana is being used in some parts of the world for its medicinal qualities, however some experts believe that it deserves a spot on the most dangerous drugs list for many reasons. It’s seen as a “gateway drug,” which means that people who use it are more likely to try other things when they’re no longer getting the desired results from this drug.


Ecstasy – Ecstasy is also known as MDMA in some circles. It’s commonly referred to as a party drug because that’s where it’s most frequently used. It enhances feelings of intimacy and gives you a sense of euphoria. It’s very easy to overdose on Ecstasy; especially if you’re taking it for the first time and you’re not aware of how you will handle it. It’s even more dangerous when you take it while you’re drinking alcohol.


Cocaine – Cocaine is another popular party drug, and people are drawn to it because the high that occurs happens very fast. Withdrawal can be really difficult to deal with, and you might suffer from extensive mental anguish as well as physical pain during the withdrawal phase. Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs on the market.


Heroin – Heroin can have powerful, irreversible effects on the brain if you use it for a long period of time. Withdrawal is often severe, and can even result in death in some cases. It’s known as the most harmful drug in the world.


Speedball – Speedball refers to the combination of Cocaine and Heroin together. This is often the drug of choice for people who are no longer satisfied with the high they’re getting from Heroin on its own. Unfortunately, they don’t “play” well together and can cause death after only one use.


Prescription Medications – Prescription medications deserve to be on the list because people often become addicted to them unknowingly. Most of the time they use them for pain or for another reason, and end up addicted and in need of help.


Did you recognize your drug of choice on this list? Drug addiction counselling in Toronto can help you. Please contact me today to make an appointment.





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